This report updates the latest potential
housing and employment land availability set out in the Housing
Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) report 2023/2024.
The HELAA assessment is updated and published each year following a
call for sites, for the purposes of establishing a potential supply
of land availability for plan making purposes only (i.e. the HELAA
is a high-level assessment of potential land supply for plan
making, not for Development Management purposes). Since 2023 the
call for sites has included inviting land availability for Gypsy
& Travellers, biodiversity net gain and nature recovery,
blue/green infrastructure (opens space and landscape/water bodies),
renewable energy (solar/wind wave etc.).
Decision type: Non-key
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024
Decision due: 28 Jan 2025 by Planning Policy Committee
Lead director: Director of Growth
Contact: Neil Crowther, Group Head of Planning & CPO Email:, Richard Sherman, GIS, Monitoring & Consultation Officer Email:
Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: No