Issue details

Housing Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

This report updates the latest potential housing and employment land availability set out in the Housing Employment Land Availability Assessment (HELAA) report 2023/2024. The HELAA assessment is updated and published each year following a call for sites, for the purposes of establishing a potential supply of land availability for plan making purposes only (i.e. the HELAA is a high-level assessment of potential land supply for plan making, not for Development Management purposes). Since 2023 the call for sites has included inviting land availability for Gypsy & Travellers, biodiversity net gain and nature recovery, blue/green infrastructure (opens space and landscape/water bodies), renewable energy (solar/wind wave etc.).

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 02/07/2024

Decision due: 28 Jan 2025 by Planning Policy Committee

Lead director: Director of Growth

Contact: Neil Crowther, Group Head of Planning & CPO Email:, Richard Sherman, GIS, Monitoring & Consultation Officer Email:

Consultation with Group Leaders/Committee Chair: No