Register of interests

Councillor Roger Nash

I Councillor Roger Nash being a Member of Arun District Council, set out below under the appropriate subject headings the details which I am required to declare under the Localism Act 2011 and related Regulations relating to my Pecuniary, Personal and/or Prejudicial Interests.

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Myself - Name & address of Employer, plus job title Spouse/Partner - Myself - Name & address of Empl
None -
2. Sponsorship
Myself Not applicable
None -
3. Contracts
Myself - description of contract Spouse/Partner - description of contract
None -
4. Land
Myself - details of land/property Spouse/Partner - details of land/property
12 Greenwood Avenue Bognor Regis PO22 9EN -
5. Licences
Myself - details of licence Spouse/Partner - details of licence
None -
6. Corporate Tenancies
Myself - address and nature of interest in property Spouse/Partner - address and nature of Interest
None -
7. Securities
Myself - Address/Description of interest Spouse/Partner - Address/Description of interest
None -
8. Personal Interests
Myself - name of organisation and details of position held Spouse/Partner - name of organisation and
Bognor Regis Town Councillor -
Chairman - Southdowns Music Festival -
Member of Labour Party -
9. For information only
Myself Spouse/Partner

Sensitive Interests.