Issue - decisions

Committee Budget 2022/23 Report

08/02/2022 - Committee Revenue and Capital Budgets 2022/2023

Upon the invitation of the Chair, theInterim Group Head of Corporate Support and Section 151 Officer presented the report which asked the Committee to consider and recommend its revenue budget for inclusion in the 2022/23 revenue budget, which would be submitted to the Policy and Finance Committee on 10 February 2022. Policy and Finance Committee would consider the overall revenue budget for 2022/23 to make a recommendation to Full Council on 23 February 2022 on the budget to be set and level of Council Tax for the District for 2022/23. She confirmed that the Committee did not have any capital expenditure and so did not have to consider a capital budget for inclusion in the overall capital programme


Members then took part in a full debate on the item where a number of points were raised including:

·       the restructuring of the Planning and Development Section in response to the Hannaby Report, and the need to see revenue expenditure as a KPI

·       how the Committee could monitor the Planning department’s performance if KPIs were not available as part of the budget process

·       the Hannaby Review and its implications for Planning Policy Committee and Planning Committee, and the review reporting into the Planning Committee where more detail could be found on the process


The Interim Group Head of Corporate Support and Section 151 Officer provided Members with responses to all points raised during the debate. It was confirmed that Members had not received KPIs for this year but that Officers were looking to produce them for next year for every Committee.


The recommendations were then proposed by Councillor Gunner and seconded by Councillor Hughes.


The Committee




a)    Agree on the 2022/23 Revenue Budget as illustrated in Appendix A of this report;


b)    Agree on the 2022/23 list of uncommitted growth items as illustrated in Appendix B of this report;




c)    That the Revenue Budget and list of growth items be included in the overall General Fund Budget when considering the overall budgets on 10 February 2022.