Issue - decisions

Budget 2022/2023 Process

12/10/2021 - Budget 2022/2023 Process

Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Interim Group Head for Corporate Support and Section 151 Officer presented her report explaining that under the newly adopted Committee structure it was important that all Members be fully aware of the budget process. The process was approved by the Corporate Policy and Performance Committee at its meeting on 1 September 2021. She further explained that the report recognised the need for some resource switching in order to progress the Council’s priorities, and that projects brought forward must deliverable in 2022-23, must aim to be cost neutral and mindful of limited Officer time and support. It was also highlighted that the report was concerned with the General Fund as the Housing Revenue Account had a separate Business Plan which was being worked on alongside the budget.


The Committee




To note the budget setting process for 2022/23.