Issue - decisions

P/132/20/RES - Land North of Hook Lane, Pagham

27/09/2021 - P/132/20/RES - Land North of Hook Lane, Pagham

[Councillor Blanchard-Cooper entered the meeting at the beginning of this item.]


3 Public Speakers

Pagham Parish Council

Owen Jones - Agent

Cllr Huntley – Arun District Council Ward Member


Approval of reserved matters following P/30/19/OUT for 300 No. new homes, internal roads, footpaths & cycleways, car parking & landscaping. This application affects the setting of a listed building & falls within Strategic Site H SP2, CIL Zone 1 (Zero Rated).


The Strategic Development Team Leader presented her report with updates. This was followed by 3 Public Speakers.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised including:

·       the absence of the care home from the application

·       whether there would be adequate and safe pedestrian and cycle paths to the proposed school on an adjacent separate site

·       the widths of roads and whether they are too narrow and could lead to issues for emergency and refuse vehicles, and whether tracking information had been confirmed

·       whether parking was not always in the right place so that residents could park outside their own house


The Strategic Development Team Leader and Group Head of Planning provided Members with answers to all points raised during the debate, confirming that the site for the care home was still reserved for a care home but that this reserved matters application only concerned the housing part of the development. The Group Head of Planning further reminded Members to ask any questions ahead the meeting as per the guidance in the agenda where an answer may have needed looking up to ensure Officers can provide answers and avoid unnecessary delays to the meeting.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions as detailed.