Issue - decisions

LU/238/20/OUT - Land West of Bridge Road Roundabout, Littlehampton BN17 5DF

27/09/2021 - LU/238/20/OUT - Land West of Bridge Road Roundabout, Littlehampton BN17 5DF

[Councillor Charles redeclared at the beginning of this item his Personal Interest made at the start of the meeting.]


Outline planning permission with some matters reserved for demolition of existing treatment works and redevelopment of a former camp site on the edge of the River Arun to provide up to 105 homes, 100sqm of A1 Shops use, 220sqm of A3 Restaurant use and 420m of pontoons to provide approximately 32 leisure moorings along with associated landscaping, sluice gate, flood defence works, car parking and highways works, including access. This application also lies within the parish of Clymping, may affect a Public Footpath and is a Departure from the Development Plan.


The Strategic Development Team Leader presented her report with updates.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised including:

·       support for the principle of the development but concern over issues including the access to the development from the roundabout which repeats a similar situation seen at the Wick roundabout which West Sussex County Council are proposing to change and the impact of pedestrian crossings to traffic low

·       the development being considered contrary to T SP1 and T DM1 in the Local Plan as there was no convenient access to close-by public transport

·       whether an 8-storey development was unacceptable scale and height for the location and would comprise views from the bridge to Arundel and the South Downs

·       support for the modern design of the development

·       a good use of the area

·       how sustainable the development was, being built on an area very likely flood, and questions over what energy saving or climate contribution the developers were making


The Strategic Development Team Leader provided Members with answers to all points raised during the debate.


The Committee




That the Planning Committee delegate to the Group Head of Planning (in consultation with the Chairman and the Vice Chairman) authority to:


a)    Authorise the execution and completion of the Section 106 Agreement following negotiation to secure a viability review mechanism


b)    Grant planning permission subject to conditions and the Section 106 Agreement


c)    Should there be a failure to reach agreement on the Section 106 Agreement within three months, to refuse planning permission for the following reasons:


1.    In the absence of a completed S106 Agreement the proposed development would fail to provide a satisfactory mechanism to secure affordable housing provision or contributions contrary to policies INF SP1 and AH SP2 of the Arun Local Plan 2018


2.    In the absence of a completed S106 Agreement the proposed development would fail to provide satisfactory mitigation for the impact on the A27 and would not secure the requirement Travel Plan auditing contribution contrary to policy T SP1 of the Arun Local Plan 2018