Issue - decisions

EP/57/21/PL - Land rear of Beechlands Cottages, Beechlands Close, East Preston BN16 1JT

27/09/2021 - EP/57/21/PL - Land rear of Beechlands Cottages, Beechlands Close, East Preston BN16 1JT

1 Public Speaker

Dawn Appleton – Agent


Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 2 No. dwellings with associated car ports/parking, alterations to existing access and relocation of staircase to flats. This site is in CIL Zone 4 and is CIL liable as dwellings.


The Group Head of Planning presented the report. This was followed by 1 Public Speaker.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions as detailed.