This Sub-Committee is made up of 3 Councillors, taken from the membership of the Licensing Committee. It has responsibility for dealing with contested licensing matters where the Council has received objection or representation that cannot be resolved as permitted by law or under the Council’s Scheme of Delegation. Officers may also refer some matters to a Sub-Committee in accordance with the council’s policies where appropriate.
Meetings will only be held when an application is to be considered.
For further information on the function of this Sub-Committee please click here
For the Councils’ Scheme of Delegation please click here
Please note that you can now locate the webcast link to watch the webcast live or to stream later under the relevant meeting date along with the agenda.
Read about: Webcasting compatible software and devices.pdf [pdf] 417KB
Support officer: Katherine Davis (01903 737984).
Postal address:
Arun Civic Centre
Maltravers Road
West Sussex
BN17 5LF
Phone: 01903 7376984
Web site: