Committee attendance

Economy Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Andy Cooper 3
Councillor Dr. James Walsh KStJ RD 3
Councillor Matt Stanley 2
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 2
Councillor Mike Northeast 3
Councillor Alison Cooper 1
Councillor Steve Goodheart 2
Councillor Shaun Gunner 3
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 3
Councillor Gill Yeates 1
Councillor Mel Penycate 3
Councillor Anita Lawrence 3
Councillor Keir Greenway 2
Councillor Freddie Tandy 1
Councillor Roger Nash 3
Councillor Alan Butcher 1
Councillor Lesley-Anne Lloyd 2
Councillor Lynne Edwards 1
Full Council, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Trevor Bence 0
Councillor Francis Oppler 2
Councillor Paul Bicknell 3
Councillor Philippa Bower 3
Councillor Richard Bower 3
Councillor Jim Brooks 3
Councillor Andy Cooper 3
Councillor Roger Elkins 3
Councillor Dr. James Walsh KStJ RD 3
Councillor Matt Stanley 3
Councillor Elaine Stainton 1
Councillor Gill Madeley 1
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 3
Councillor Mike Northeast 3
Councillor Kenton Batley 2
Councillor Billy Blanchard-Cooper 3
Councillor Jeanette Warr 2
Councillor Alison Cooper 3
Councillor Steve Goodheart 2
Councillor Shaun Gunner 3
Councillor June Hamilton 2
Councillor Shirley Haywood 2
Councillor David Huntley 3
Councillor Henry Jones 2
Councillor Paul Kelly 3
Councillor Martin Lury 3
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 2
Councillor Amanda Worne 2
Councillor Gill Yeates 3
Councillor Joan English 3
Councillor Sue Wallsgrove 3
Councillor Stephen McAuliffe 2
Councillor Ash Patel 2
Councillor Guy Purser 1
Councillor Amelia Worne 2
Councillor Carol Birch 2
Councillor Mel Penycate 2
Councillor Paul Ayling 3
Councillor Anita Lawrence 3
Councillor Bob Woodman 2
Councillor Keir Greenway 3
Councillor Jill Long 3
Councillor Maralyn May 2
Councillor Freddie Tandy 3
Councillor Thomas Harty 2
Councillor Mark Turner MBE. 2
Councillor Simon McDougall 2
Councillor Roger Nash 3
Councillor Alan Butcher 2
Councillor George O'Neill 3
Councillor Lesley-Anne Lloyd 2
Councillor Peggy Partridge 3
Councillor Lynne Edwards 2
Councillor Christine Wiltshire 2
Housing and Wellbeing Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Trevor Bence 2
Councillor Paul Bicknell 3
Councillor Andy Cooper 1
Councillor Dr. James Walsh KStJ RD 2
Councillor Gill Madeley 1
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 3
Councillor Kenton Batley 1
Councillor Alison Cooper 1
Councillor Shaun Gunner 2
Councillor Shirley Haywood 3
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 1
Councillor Gill Yeates 3
Councillor Joan English 2
Councillor Carol Birch 3
Councillor Jill Long 2
Councillor Mark Turner MBE. 1
Councillor Simon McDougall 1
Councillor Alan Butcher 2
Councillor Christine Wiltshire 3
Planning Committee, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Paul Bicknell 2
Councillor Richard Bower 6
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 1
Councillor Mike Northeast 4
Councillor Billy Blanchard-Cooper 5
Councillor June Hamilton 6
Councillor Paul Kelly 6
Councillor Martin Lury 5
Councillor Sue Wallsgrove 5
Councillor Ash Patel 6
Councillor Mel Penycate 1
Councillor Bob Woodman 6
Councillor Jill Long 2
Councillor Freddie Tandy 3
Councillor Simon McDougall 5
Councillor Peggy Partridge 5
Policy and Finance Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Francis Oppler 2
Councillor Jim Brooks 3
Councillor Andy Cooper 3
Councillor Dr. James Walsh KStJ RD 1
Councillor Matt Stanley 3
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 3
Councillor Billy Blanchard-Cooper 2
Councillor Alison Cooper 1
Councillor Steve Goodheart 1
Councillor Shaun Gunner 3
Councillor Carol Birch 3
Councillor Keir Greenway 3
Councillor Freddie Tandy 1
Councillor Roger Nash 3
Councillor Alan Butcher 1