Committee attendance

Audit and Governance Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mike Clayden 3
Councillor Francis Oppler 1
Councillor Jim Brooks 3
Councillor Terence Chapman 3
Councillor Matt Stanley 0
Councillor Colin Oliver-Redgate 3
Councillor Jamie Bennett 1
Councillor Steve Goodheart 0
Councillor Pauline Gregory 1
Councillor Samantha-Jayne Staniforth 0
Councillor Will Tilbrook 0
Councillor David Chace 3
Councillor Sue Wallsgrove 2
Environment Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Paul English 3
Councillor Paul Bicknell 3
Councillor Jim Brooks 1
Councillor David Edwards 2
Councillor Matt Stanley 2
Councillor Gill Madeley 3
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 2
Councillor Jeanette Warr 0
Councillor Steve Goodheart 3
Councillor David Huntley 0
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 2
Councillor Samantha-Jayne Staniforth 1
Councillor Amanda Worne 2
Councillor Joan English 1
Councillor David Chace 3
Councillor Sue Wallsgrove 2
Councillor Stephen McAuliffe 1
Full Council, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Mike Clayden 5
Councillor Ian Buckland 4
Councillor Sandra Daniells 4
Councillor Paul English 6
Councillor Francis Oppler 5
Councillor Paul Bicknell 6
Councillor Richard Bower 6
Councillor Jim Brooks 6
Councillor Terence Chapman 6
Councillor Andy Cooper 6
Councillor Paul Dendle 5
Councillor David Edwards 4
Councillor Roger Elkins 5
Councillor Christopher Hughes 6
Councillor Dr. James Walsh KStJ RD 6
Councillor Matt Stanley 5
Councillor Elaine Stainton 5
Councillor Martin Smith 3
Councillor Vicky Rhodes 4
Councillor Daniel Purchese 4
Councillor Gill Madeley 5
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 6
Councillor Mike Northeast 5
Councillor Colin Oliver-Redgate 6
Councillor Tracey Baker 1
Councillor Kenton Batley 3
Councillor Jamie Bennett 4
Councillor Billy Blanchard-Cooper 5
Councillor June Caffyn 5
Councillor Jeanette Warr 5
Councillor Alison Cooper 6
Councillor Hugh Coster 6
Councillor Tony Dixon 6
Councillor Steve Goodheart 6
Councillor Pauline Gregory 4
Councillor Shaun Gunner 6
Councillor June Hamilton 5
Councillor Shirley Haywood 6
Councillor David Huntley 4
Councillor Henry Jones 4
Councillor Paul Kelly 6
Councillor Martin Lury 6
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 5
Councillor Grant Roberts 5
Councillor Emily Seex 2
Councillor Samantha-Jayne Staniforth 3
Councillor Isabel Thurston 6
Councillor Will Tilbrook 2
Councillor Amanda Worne 5
Councillor Gill Yeates 6
Councillor Joan English 6
Councillor David Chace 6
Councillor Sue Wallsgrove 3
Councillor Stephen McAuliffe 3
Housing and Wellbeing Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Sandra Daniells 3
Councillor Francis Oppler 1
Councillor Jim Brooks 1
Councillor Andy Cooper 2
Councillor Christopher Hughes 4
Councillor Matt Stanley 1
Councillor Gill Madeley 4
Councillor Jacky Pendleton 3
Councillor Alison Cooper 4
Councillor Tony Dixon 1
Councillor Steve Goodheart 1
Councillor Pauline Gregory 4
Councillor Shaun Gunner 2
Councillor Shirley Haywood 3
Councillor Martin Lury 1
Councillor Claire Marie Needs 2
Councillor Isabel Thurston 4
Councillor Gill Yeates 4
Councillor Joan English 4