Agenda item

Economy Committee - 29 March 2022

The Chair, Councillor Cooper, will present the minutes containing recommendations from the meeting of the Economy Committee held on 29 March 2022.


There are recommendations to consider at:


·         Minute 781 [Littlehampton Public Realm Improvements – Phase 1 (Terminus Road) Contractor Appointment] – the Officer’s report is attached.

·         Minute 786 [River Road Garage Site, Arundel Wet Sussex] – the Officer’s report is attached.


            The Chair, Councillor Cooper, presented recommendations from the meeting of the Economy Committee held on 29 March 2022.


            Councillor Cooper alerted Councillors to three recommendations contained within Minute 781 [Littlehampton Public Realm Improvements – Phase 1 [Terminus Road Contractor Appointment] which he duly proposed.  The recommendations were then seconded by Councillor Gunner.


            The Council


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)          It accepts and draws down £1.253 m from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) to complete the Phase 1 (Terminus Road, Littlehampton) works and add the expenditure and funding to the 2022/23 Capital Programme.


(2)          It approved authority to enter into a collaboration agreement with WSCC that sets out the billing regime for the funds in Recommendation (1) approved by the Committee and approves the drawdown and expenditure of external funding and that the terms and conditions are agreed by Legal Services and in consultation with the Monitoring Officer; and


(3)          As per Part 4 – Officer Scheme of Delegation (4.3 to 4.7 refers) and Under Part 7 of the Council’s Constitution, delegated authority be given to the Director of Place to plan, draw down and make budgetary decisions on the expenditure on this phase in accordance with the terms and conditions and in consultation with the Chair of the Economy Committee.


            Councillor Cooper then alerted Councillors to a recommendation at Minute 786 [River Road Garage Site Arundel, West Sussex] highlighting that this would provide much needed holiday accommodation within the community and would go some way to assisting tourism need in the area.  Councillor Cooper then proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Councillor Gunner.


            The Council







That a supplementary estimate of £485,625 be included within the capital programme to carry out the demolition and replacement of the garages at River road, Arundel with a holiday let property [Option 5].


Supporting documents: