Agenda item

Planning Policy Sub-Committee - 15 December 2020


(At the commencement of this item, Councillor Elkins re-declared his Personal Interest made at the start of the meeting and confirmed that he would not take part in the vote on Minute 21).


            The Chairman, Councillor Mrs Yeates, presented the Minutes from the meeting of the Local Plan Sub-Committee held on 15 December 2020.


            Councillor Mrs Yeates referred Members to the first of a series of recommendations at Minute 21 [Community Infrastructure Levy Governance] which she duly proposed.  The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Lury.


            The Council


                        RESOLVED - That


(1)          The CIL arrangements set out in sections 4 to 7 (inclusive) of the report, and CIL District Pot apportionment set out under paragraph 4.3 be approved;


(2)          The first Infrastructure Investment Plan (2022-2025), which sets out CIL spending priorities over the three-year period, will be completed, subject to Full Council approval, by December 2021 and will last for a period of 3 years. 

(3)          The Planning Policy Committee (PPC) is granted delegated authority to approve bids for funding infrastructure projects that are not listed on the Infrastructure Investment Plan (IIP) (subject to the correct application process being undertaken in accordance with processes set out in Background Paper 3).

(4)       The Group Head of Planning in consultation with the Group Head of Corporate Support, is granted delegated authority to authorise money to be passed to infrastructure providers to spend on CIL projects on the IIP.  Where projects are not listed within the IIP, spending will be subject to Planning Policy Committee approval; and

(5)       Approval be given to execute all necessary documentation to ensure CIL is passed to service providers and spent in accordance with the council’s Infrastructure Investment Plan.


             Councillor Mrs Yeates then moved to the next recommendation at Minute 24 [Arun Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document] and outlined that it had taken a long time and a huge amount of work to get to this stage.  She referred to the recent Members’ Seminar that had been held which had outlined to Councillors what the content of the Guide was and how it could be used and so she had pleasure in commending this recommendation to the Council and she urged Councillors to support it.  Having been proposed by Councillor Mrs Yeates, the recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Lury.  In seconding the recommendation, Councillor Lury paid tribute to the Senior Planning Officer and her team for the excellent work undertaken.


            The Council


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)          The proposed modifications schedule which addresses the comments made from the Regulation 12b Public participation period in accordance with Regulation 35 (as amended by Regulation 2 (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 be agreed; and


(2)          The revised Design Guide (as a result of the Reg.12b proposed modifications), be adopted.


            Councillor Mrs Yeates then referred to the final recommendation at Minute 27 [Brownfield Land Register 2020] which she formally proposed.  The recommendation was then seconded by Councillor Lury.


            The Council


                        RESOLVED - That


(1)       The 2020 Brownfield Land Register (Part 1) be noted; and

(2)          It be agreed that Officers work towards the production of the Brownfield Land Register (Part 2) including the carrying out of consultation and publicity requirements, as well as other procedures in line with the Brownfield Land Register Regulations 2017.