Agenda item

Report back from Cabinet/Full Council

On 9 March 2020 Cabinet reviewed the recommendations put forward by the Working Group in its last meeting held on 6 February 2020.


The first recommendation was at Minute 12 [Asbestos Policy and Management Plan] which would ensure that the Council was able to meet the regulations and requirements set out in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. 


The Cabinet


            RESOLVED - That


(1)   The Asbestos Policy 2020 be adopted;

(2)   The Asbestos Management Plan be adopted;


(3)   Delegated authority be given to the Group Head of Residential Services in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Residential Services to make minor changes to the Policy and Plan.


The next set of recommendations were at Minute 13 [Tenancy & Lettings Policy] where it had been explained that the Policy presented had been an amalgamation of the previous Tenancy Policy 2012 and Introductory Tenancy Policy 2016.  The main driver of the introduction of flexible fixed term tenancies had been to improve better use of housing stock. 


              The Cabinet


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)        The Tenancy and Lettings Policy April 2020 be adopted;


(2)            All current flexible tenancies be converted to secure lifetime tenancies from April 2020;


(3)            Delegated authority be given to the Group Head of Residential Services to make minor changes to the Policy.


              The next set of recommendations were at Minute 14 [Pets Policy] where approval was sought to adopt a Pets Policy in respect of the management of the Council’s tenancies.


              The Cabinet


                        RESOLVED – That


(1)            The Pets Policy April 2020 be adopted; and


(2)            Delegated authority be given to the Group Head of Residential Services in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Residential Services to make minor changes to the Policy.


The next recommendations were at Minute 15 [Empty Homes Update] which sought approval to adopt an updated Enforced Sale Procedure and use of existing funds.  Councillor Stanley provided a brief update on the work that had been undertaken in bringing empty homes back into use as a result of the Empty Homes Strategy which had been adopted by Cabinet in 2018 and he applauded the work of the Council’s Empty Homes Officer who had just secured the Empty Homes Practitioner of the Year Award.  


The Cabinet


            RESOLVED – That


(1)        The updated Enforced Sale Procedure be noted; and

(2)            Delegated authority be given to the Group Head of Technical Services to make changes to the end Enforced Sale Procedure, with a review to take place by the end of 2022; and

(3)            Approval of the use of existing revenue funds identified below for Empty Homes Assistance Programme with any unspent funds to be earmarked at the end of the financial year for:

(a)   £66k currently earmarked for Empty Homes

(b)  Unspent receipts from discretionary housing grants repayments (current balance £20k)

(c)  Unspent receipts up to £44k from disability facilities grant repayments.


Finally, Cabinet was alerted to the last set of recommendations at Minute 16 [Energy Efficiency Strategy]. 


The Cabinet




That the Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty Strategy 2020-2025 be adopted.


The Cabinet confirmed its decision as per Decision Notice C/047/090320.






The Chairman referred Members to the Agenda sheet for this item, and asked Members to note the recommendations put forward by the Working Group, in its last meeting on 6 February 2020 to the Cabinet. At the Cabinet meeting on 9 March 2020 these were all approved.