Venue: Council Chamber, Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton, BN17 5LF. View directions
Contact: Helen Burt
No. | Item |
Apologies Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Edwards. |
Declarations of Interest Members and Officers are invited to make any declaration of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda, and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the items or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.
Members and Officers should make their declaration by stating:
a) the item they have the interest in b) whether it is a pecuniary/personal interest and/or prejudicial interest c) the nature of the interest
Minutes: Councillor P. English declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 8 as a Member of Felpham Parish Council and Chair of the Allotment and Open Spaces Committee.
Councillor J. English declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 8 as a resident of Felpham.
Councillor Madeley declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 8 as a Ward Councillor of Felpham West.
Councillor Needs declared a Personal Interest in Agenda Item 9 as a Member of Bognor Regis Town Council. |
The Committee will be asked to approve as a correct record the Minutes of the Environment Committee held on 31 January 2023.
Minutes: The Minutes of the meeting held on 31 January 2023 were approved by the Committee. These would be signed at the end of the meeting. |
Public Question Time To receive questions from the public (for a period of up to 15 minutes)
Minutes: The Chair confirmed that no questions had been submitted for this meeting.
With the approval of the Chair and the Committee, Councillor J. English read a statement from Felpham Parish Council regarding the Section 106 agreements for Blakes Mead in Felpham. |
Lawn Tennis Association Funded Improvement Project for Arun's Tennis Sites PDF 130 KB This report provides detail on a new online booking platform, court gate access control and refurbishment project for Arun owned tennis courts, funded through grant funding provided by the Lawn Tennis Association. [15 Minutes] Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair welcomed Matt Glazier, Parks Investment Delivery Partner for the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and thanked him for coming to the meeting.
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Environmental Services & Strategy Manager introduced the report, which he saw as a great opportunity, and handed over to the LTA Parks Investment Delivery Partner.
The LTA Parks Investment Delivery Partner gave an overview of the work of the LTA. He explained that parks were important as more people played tennis in a park than a more traditional setting, as was somewhere most people felt more comfortable playing for the first time and therefore a gateway into the sport. They had been working closely with local authorities over the past 9 years, providing support in terms of technology and awareness, and improving the ability for people to get onto the sites and enjoy playing tennis. They had found not all parks tennis facilities were in good enough condition to promote, which had been a barrier. The LTA had been able to secure a significant investment from Central Government of around £22million to improve the quality of parks tennis facilities and provide gate access. This had been topped up by £8million from their charity and they had been proactively targeting local authorities with parks tennis facilities they wanted to improve. They had been working on the correct operational model for Arun, in conjunction with the Council and Tivoli, across 4 sites. They had assessed what support and funding would be required to allow Tivoli, in partnership with the Council, to manage the sites more efficiently, encouraging more people to use them and ensuring the sites were sustainable. They had earmarked in the region of £54,000 of investment across the 4 sites - Swansea Gardens, Blakes Road, Norfolk Leisure Gardens and Maltravers Leisure Gardens.
Members then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made:
Beach Access for All, Bognor Regis - Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party PDF 167 KB Following the Environment Committee setting up the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party (BRBAWP) the report summarises the Working Party activities. It presents recommendations from the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party to the Environment Committee and next steps for providing practical achievable steps in improving access for all to the beach.
Similar principles of the outcome of this piece of work can be applied to improve access to all of Arun’s beaches.
The Committee is asked to approve the recommendations. [20 Minutes]
Additional documents:
Minutes: [Councillor Needs declared a Personal Interest during discussion of this item as a Member of Bognor Regis Town Council]
The Chair welcomed Andrew Pearce, Engineering Team Service Manager from Coastal Partners and thanked him for coming to the meeting.
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Chair of the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party introduced the item and explained there had been some really positive meetings, she felt good progress had been made and there had been some positive cross-party work on this in the Working Party. She then handed over to the Group Head of Environment and Climate Change who presented the report. He explained the report summarised the Working Party activities. It presented recommendations from the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party and next steps for providing practical achievable steps in improving access for all to the beach. He handed over to Andrew Pearce, Engineering Team Service Manager from Coastal Partners, who gave on overview of Coastal Partners, and how they had assisted the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party with the recommendations and report.
The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change explained the recommendations and that the delivery of several of small actions would make it possible for more people to access the beach. It was envisaged the outcome of the work could be applied to improve access to all of Arun’s beaches.
Members then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made: · Support was offered for the report by several Members, with one Member stating the Working Party and Officers involved should be commended for the report. · One Member was very pleased that there was a way forward and pleased the report talked about making the beach accessible for all. · How would wheelchair users be kept safe whilst using ramps being used for water sports? The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change explained there would be a survey carried out of all ramps to see which were more suitable, and it was likely conversations would be had with the users running the ramps for water sports, to see if any agreements could be made. · How would it be decided which were appropriate locations for matting and decking? The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change explained that engagement would take place with stakeholder groups around the most appropriate locations. · There was excitement for the clearing and checking of ramps.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Madeley and seconded by Councillor Wallsgrove.
The Committee
That the report to Committee and the Minutes of the Bognor Regis Beach Access Working Party 06 February 2023, had been received, and the course of action, as set out under Item 4.6 of this report, with the objective of improving access for all to the beach at Bognor Regis, had been noted. |
Outdoor Sports Provision, Felpham PDF 106 KB This report concerns the provision of sports facilities in Felpham. The development at Blakes Mead in Felpham (formerly known as Site 6) has a S106 Agreement that is set to provide sports facilities on site. The policy for the provision of outdoor sports provision has been updated alongside other sporting bodies such as Sport England to improve existing facilities and develop them as hubs to benefit the wider community.
The developer will instead provide an off-site sum for outdoor sports facilities in Felpham, will transfer the site as landscaped public open space to the council and provide a commuted sum for future maintenance. In addition, a sum will be provided for the project management of delivering those facilities.
This report seeks approval to accept these proposals. [25 Minutes]
Additional documents:
Minutes: [During discussion of this item Councillor Madeley re-declared her interest as Felpham Ward Councillor]
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Group Head of Environment and Climate Change presented the report to Committee, which was regarding the provision of sports facilities in Felpham. The development at Blakes Mead in Felpham (formerly known as Site 6) had a Section 106 Agreement that was set to provide sports facilities on site. The policy for the provision of outdoor sports had been updated alongside other sporting bodies such as Sport England, to improve existing facilities and develop them as hubs to benefit the wider community. If agreed, the developer would instead provide an off-site sum for outdoor sports facilities in Felpham, and would transfer the site as landscaped public open space to the Council and provide a commuted sum for future maintenance. In addition, a sum would be provided for the project management of delivering those facilities. The report sought approval to accept the proposals.
Since the development had gained planning permission, the Council had developed guidance for sports provision through a playing pitch strategy to support the Local Plan, which was in line with sporting bodies’ policies including that of Sport England. This review took into account the strategies which supported the Local Plan, including an audit of the existing facilities. The study found there was potential to improve the quality and capacity of nearby existing facilities. This aligned with the Playing Pitch Outdoor Sports Strategy Action Plan.
The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change drew Members’ attention to the sums in 4.3 and indicative plan illustrating the proposal at Appendix 2. Concern had been raised regarding the previous planned location of a changing facility which could be subject to vandalism, being located away from the natural surveillance provided in residential areas. This proposal removed this risk. The proposal would enable additional tree planting, which would not be possible if there was a sports pitch at the location. The Arun Local Football Facilities Plan, developed with the Football Foundation, had recommended improvements of the facilities at King George V at Felpham, specifically improvement of the grass pitches to improve capacity and the provision of a new changing pavilion. The Group Head of Environment and Climate Change explained this was an opportunity to use the sum to improve sports facilities in Felpham, which were long overdue.
In the development of a project to use these Section 106 sums, the Council would carry out consultation with the public and stakeholders including Felpham Parish Council. King George V was an obvious starting point for this. This would then be brought back to Committee for update or approval.
Members then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made: · Felpham Parish Council felt let down on discussions prior to this report. · The previous suggested location was at risk of vandalism. · The Pavilion on King George V needed a massive update and the opportunity for a franchise to serve refreshments/meals. · How could it ... view the full minutes text for item 712. |
Changing Places Toilets Alternative Venue PDF 135 KB Following a decision to endorse support the Changing Places Toilets Expression of Interest at the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee meeting on 23rd of September 2021, authority is sought to reallocate the grant funding to an alternative venue. Owing to the rescheduling of refurbishment works to the Regis Centre the Changing Places Toilet will be ineligible for the Changing Places Toilets grant funding.
It is proposed that the grant funding should be reallocated to Arun Leisure Centre. Due to grant funding timescales this is the only venue option which will be able secure the grant funding. Authority is sought to support the reallocation of grant funding from the Regis Centre to Arun Leisure Centre. [10 Minutes]
Additional documents: Minutes: Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Group Head of Technical Services presented the report to Committee. Following a decision to support the Changing Places Toilets Expression of Interest at the Environment and Neighbourhoods Committee meeting on 23 September 2021, authority was sought to reallocate the grant funding to an alternative venue. Owing to the rescheduling of refurbishment works to the Regis Centre, the Changing Places Toilet would be ineligible for the Changing Places Toilets grant funding. It was proposed that the grant funding should be reallocated to Arun Leisure Centre. Due to grant funding timescales this was the only venue option which would be able secure the grant funding. Authority was sought to support the reallocation of grant funding from the Regis Centre to Arun Leisure Centre.
Members then took part in a question-and-answer session and the following points were made: · Was there an opportunity to discuss other locations for the Changing Places Toilet? It was confirmed there was not. · Was it guaranteed that the money would go towards a Changing Places Toilet at the Regis Centre? The Group Head of Technical Services explained the proposal maximised funding for Changing Places toilets in the District, and the intention was that this would be provided at the Regis Centre, however this would be subject to the funding body’s approval. · Was there a need for an additional Changing Places toilet on the beach? The Group Head of Technical Services explained there had been consultation undertaken in preparation for the Changing Places Toilets programme, and as there was some very expensive equipment installed as part of this, the best practice was for those to be located inside managed facilities.
The recommendation was proposed by Councillor Bicknell and seconded by Councillor Madeley.
The Committee
That the reallocation of £40,000 grant funding for a Changing Places Toilet from the Regis Centre, Bognor Regis to Arun Leisure Centre, Felpham, in order to secure the grant funding needed to enable Changing Places Toilets to be delivered at both locations, be agreed |
Outside Bodies Minutes: There were no updates from Members regarding Outside Bodies.
The Committee is required to note the Work Programme for 2022/23. [5 Minutes] Minutes: The Committee noted the Work Programme. |