Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday 27th April 2022 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber at the Arun Civic Centre, Maltravers Road, Littlehampton BN17 5LF

Contact: Carley Lavender 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Members and Officers are reminded to make any declarations of pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on this agenda and are reminded that they should re-declare their interest before consideration of the item or as soon as the interest becomes apparent.


Members and officer should make their declaration by stating :

a) the application they have the interest in

b) whether it is a pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial

c) the nature of the interest

d) if it is a prejudicial or pecuniary interest, whether they will be exercising their right to speak to the application



          There were no Declarations of Interest made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 185 KB

To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2022 as attached.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2022 were approved by the Committee and signed by the Chair.


Items not on the agenda which the Chairman of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances


The Chair confirmed that there were no urgent items to consider at this meeting.


F/4/20/OUT - Land at Ford Airfield, Ford pdf icon PDF 328 KB

Additional documents:


Outlineplanning application (withall mattersreserved exceptfor access)for thedevelopment of up to 1,500 dwellings (Use Class C3), 60-bed care home (UseClass C2), up to 9,000 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1), localcentre of up to 2,350 sqm including up to 900 sqm retail / commercial (UseClasses A1-AS) and 1,450 sqm community / leisure floorspace (Use Classes D1-D2),landforatwo-formentryprimaryschool(UseClassD1),publicopenspace, allotments, new sports pitches and associated facilities, drainage, parking andassociated access, infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works,including demolition of existing buildings and part removal of existing runwayhardstanding. This application affects a Public Right of Way. This application is thesubject of an Environmental Statement. This application may affect the setting of aListed Building.This applicationfalls withinCIL Zone1 -Zero Rated.


The Chair welcomed Stephen Gee from West Sussex County Council to the meeting. The Principal Planning Officer then presented the report. He firstly outlined that he had a brief point of clarification to make in terms of the proposed Officer recommendation with the correct recommendation being on page 15 of the Agenda Pack as part of the deferral report, and in terms of the Heads of Terms that accompanied the report, this was only an overview of the Section 106 contributions and additional wording would be included in the final version in relation to the community facilities and the affordable housing provision agreement relating to the community land trust. He explained that the application was deferred by Committee on 24 November 2021 [Minute 465] to allow for further consideration of the trigger points of Heads of Terms of the Section 106 agreement and the odour assessments.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where concerns over the issue of odour were raised due to the nature of the testing undertaken and the variety of variables that needed to be taken into account (wind direction, heat, humidity etc.). This was responded to by the Principal Planning Officer and the requirements of the condition relating to this were clarified for Members.


The Committee




That delegated authority be granted to the Group Head of Planning, in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of Planning Committee to:


1.    Grant outline planning permission, subject to conditions;


2.    Subject to a Section 106 Agreement, the terms of which are substantially in accordance with those set out in the Heads of Terms with any minor amendment authorised by the Group Head of Planning.


F/5/20/PL - Ford Airfield Market, Ford BN18 0FL pdf icon PDF 227 KB


          Reconfiguration of Ford Market, including revised market access, hardstanding for replacement vehicular parking and associated infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which dealt specifically with the reason given for deferral at the Planning Committee on 8 September 2021 [Minute 232] - for further evidence gathering to be undertaken on the transport and highway implications over a wider area than that which had already been studied. He explained that the applicant had commissioned their consultants to provide a Technical Note presenting the outputs of further traffic data collection as well as a further commentary on highway matters. The conclusions of the Technical Note had been summarised in the Officer’s deferral report with the further assessment not identifying any further conflict with the conclusions of the original transport assessment against which WSCC Highways had raised no objections. This confirmed that the proposed reconfiguration of the market would not result in a technical impact on highway safety or a severe cumulative impact on the operation of the road network. The Officer’s recommendations therefore remained unchanged.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report subject to the conditions detailed.


Y/127/21/RES - Land at Bilsham Road, Yapton pdf icon PDF 184 KB


          1 Public Speaker

          Natalie Styles - Agent


          Approval of reserved matters (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) following the grant of Y/91/17/OUT for 250 no dwellings with associated parking, road/footway/cycleway provision, open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and ancillary works (resubmission following Y/152/20/RES). this site is not CIL Liable as in Yapton strategic site


The Planning Area Team Leader presented the report with updates. This was followed by 1 Public Speaker.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions detailed.


AL/87/21/PL - Oldlands Farm, Newlands Road, Bognor Regis PO22 9FJ pdf icon PDF 215 KB


Erection of a warehouse (Use Class B8) with ancillary office, associated vehicle parking, van storage, plant, ancillary structures, lighting landscaping and infrastructure works including earthworks to facilitate flood compensation areas. This site may affect listed buildings, may affect the character and appearance of the Shripney Conservation Area, is a Departure from the Development Plan, affects a Rights of Way and is in CIL Zone SP3 (Zero Rated_ as other development.


The Chair welcomed Jamie Brown from West Sussex County Council to the meeting. The Strategic Development Team Leader presented the report with updates. This was followed by 2 Public Speakers.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised and responded to by Officers, including:

·       the lack of detail and location of highway improvements agreed through the Section 106 agreement and the distance from this site

·       logistics infrastructure in the area, the number of HGVs using the site at night and the impact for residents

·       the increase in vehicle movements at this junction and the lack of information on what the capacity enhancements can and would be in order to make a decision on the application

·       the issue of flooding and insufficient detail on how the drainage system would work

·       support for the retention of the oak trees and a wild flower meadow within the application but concern that these do not address the issues that this development would cause

·       the need for clear detail on the proposed enhancements

·       neither of the proposed enhancement options put forward by WSCC Highways addressing the capacity issue at the roundabout

·       questions raised over the vehicular figures in the report and specifically the low numbers given for HGV movements at this junction

·       the need for deferral until further information could be sought on impacts and enhancements


The Committee




That the application be DEFERRED to allow for further clarity on the developer contributions (what they are for, how they will be spent and where) and a further update on whatever occurs between now and when the application comes back to Committee on the flooding issue.


AL/107/21/PL - Woodgate Centre, Oak Tree Lane, Woodgate PO20 3GU pdf icon PDF 218 KB

Additional documents:


3 Public Speakers

Will Cobley – Agent

Mark Stephens – Objector

Victoria Barrett-Nudhoo – Objector


Demolition of the Woodgate Centre buildings (including 3 No. residential dwellings) & the construction of 180 No. residential dwellings with the creation of new vehicular access with footways and cycleways, ancillary road infrastructure, emergency access arrangements, associated parking, public open space, including children's play space, landscape planting, surface water attenuation & drainage & other associated infrastructure. This site in in CIL Zone H SP2, BEW Strategic Site and is not CIL Liable.


The Chair welcomed Tim Townsend from West Sussex County Council to the meeting. The Strategic Development Team Leader presented the report with updates. This was followed by 3 Public Speakers.


Members then took part in a full debate on the application where a number of points were raised and responded to by Officers, including:

·       the junction of Woodgate Road and Lidsey Lane and the issue of larger vehicles parking closely to it

·       questions raised over the improvements as identified in the schedule of developer contributions (for the A259 at the Oystercatcher junction rather than for the A29) and whether deferral is necessary to seek further clarity on the value of this

·       a significant number of Heads of Terms (railway crossings, bus improvements) with amounts still ‘to be confirmed’ and therefore the Committee not being in a position to determine the application at this time

·       the design and cost of a railway bridge and the practicalities of its delivery

·       residents’ concerns over the narrowness of Woodgate Road with on-road parking and traffic passing, and the need for highway improvements to this road and its access onto Lidsey Lane

·       water drainage and the need for further clarification following comment from the Environment Agency and the Lidsey Catchment Area Surface Water Management Plan

·       the difficulty of considering smaller applications within the BEW Strategic Allocation on a phased basis rather than as a single development


The Committee




That the application be DEFERRED to allow for further information and clarity on the use of the Section 106 Agreement contributions.


A/248/21/PL - Land North of Water Lane, Angmering pdf icon PDF 204 KB


3 Public Speakers

Cllr John Oldfield – Angmering Parish Council

Ian Johnson – Agent

Diana Hannant – Objector


Variation of condition imposed under A/40/18/OUT relating to condition 4-approved plans.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report with updates and confirmed that this application was only looking at the variation of one condition and not those matters that would be considered under a reserved matters application. This was followed by 3 Public Speakers.


The Committee




That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions detailed.


Report on Section 106 Spending pdf icon PDF 205 KB

This report presents a summary of some Section 106 funds that have been received by the council in accordance with planning permissions which require the funds to be spent on specific purposes or to be returned to the developer.


The council intends to discharge the obligation by transfer of the funds to third parties not beneficiaries under the Deeds.


This report requests authorisation to enter into Deeds of Agreement with the relevant third parties and formally transfer the responsibility for discharging the obligations under the Section 106 Deeds.


Upon the invitation of the Chair, theDirector of Place presented the report which presented a summary of some Section 106 funds that had been received by the Council in accordance with Planning Permissions which required the funds to be spent on specific purposes or to be returned to the Developer. He explained that the Council intended to discharge the obligation by transfer of the funds to third parties not beneficiaries under the Deeds and that this report requested authorisation to enter into Deeds of Agreement with the relevant third parties and formally transfer the responsibility for discharging the obligations under the section 106 Deeds.


The Committee


          RESOLVED - That


1.    The Committee allow deeds of agreement to be entered into and subsequently allow the expenditure by way of transfer of funds as detailed in the report;


2.    The Committee approve the virement of funds in accordance with the Council Constitution for the financial recording of the Section 106 agreements.