720 Combined Cleansing Services Contract PDF 248 KB
The current Combined Cleansing Service Contract (CCSC) expires on 31 January 2026. To successfully procure a new contract within this timeframe, a Committee decision is required now in order to inform the strategic direction and scope of the new CCSC.
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Upon the invitation of the Chair the Environmental Services & Strategy Manager presented the report. He explained that it was a requirement of the Environment Act 2021 that a weekly food waste collection to all properties in 2026 be implemented. The key decision required of Members this evening was whether to standardise the provision of a 180 litre residual bin or a 240 litre bin option for residents. Failure to make this decision and approve the other recommendations outlined in this report would result in delays to the procurement of a new contract and would significantly increase legal, procurement and financial risk to the authority.
Arun’s current recycling rate was just below 43%. The agreed vision target was to achieve a 55% recycling rate by 2025 and 60% by 2030. The current service of a weekly collection from sacks would never allow Arun to achieve this target.
Defra had provided capital funding of £1.66 million to procure vehicles and food waste caddies to deliver a weekly food waste service. Confirmation of transitional and ongoing revenue funding would follow shortly. In order to ensure financial sustainability and to ensure uptake of food waste collections, the residual collection frequency must be reduced and the recommendation was to move to a fortnightly residual collection service.
Choosing a 180 litre bin would support greater diversion of food waste and recyclable materials and encourage the right behaviours from residents. It was estimated that this would achieve a recycling rate of over 57% and deliver the Council’s immediate Vision target. A 240 litre bin provided more than ample capacity for a fortnightly collection and would potentially deliver a recycling rate of up to 53%. Both sizes would allow a future move to three weekly collections, although this was not deemed necessary at this time.
There was clear evidence from the 1-2-3 collections trial that high resident satisfaction could be maintained by introducing weekly food waste and reducing residual frequency. The recommendations in this report would ensure an enhanced and better performing service than the current one. Residents would receive an increase in core waste collections from 78 to 104 collections per year. Food waste made up approximately 42% by weight of a typical residual waste bin and targeted recyclables 13%. By giving residents the option to have both of these collected separately it reduced the need for residual collection frequency and capacity. When collected separately food waste could be processed via anaerobic digestion, which was a much more efficient and environmentally friendly way of processing and provided higher value end products in the form of bio gas outputs and fertiliser. There was an overall system benefit and carbon footprint reduction in this approach.
Other services provided under this new contract would largely operate as per the current ones. Dry mixed recycling collections and street cleansing operated effectively but would be reviewed in line with legislation and best practice.
The procurement strategy for this procurement was to deliver the best service and environmental solutions possible, whilst at the ... view the full minutes text for item 720