126 BE/150/22/OUT - Land at Oldlands Farm, Newlands Road, Bognor Regis, PO22 9NN PDF 173 KB
[At the start of this item, Councillors Long, Blanchard-Cooper and Tandy redeclared their Personal Interests made at the beginning of the meeting. Councillor Woodman declared a Personal Interest as a Member of Littlehampton Town Council and its Planning and Transportation Committee which considered this application.]
Outline planning application with all matters reserved except access for the demolition of existing derelict building and erection of up to 18,580sqm of new industrial/warehouse (Use Class B2/B8) and ancillary offices (Use Class E (g)) floorspace.
The Strategic Development Team Leader presented the report with updates. Members raised points around the extent of the boundary and the ownership of the road shown in diagrams within the boundary, traffic at the Saltbox roundabout and what improvements the financial contribution from the Section 106 agreement would provide, and the possibility of customer-facing activity onsite and an increase in footfall to the site. The recommendation was then proposed by Councillor Bicknell and seconded by Councillor Bower.
The Committee
That the application be APPROVED CONDITIONALLY as detailed in the report and report update subject to the conditions as detailed.