415 Resident Engagement Strategy 2022-2026 annual update PDF 142 KB
To provide members with an update on the progress against the aims of the Resident Engagement Strategy following its adoption in October 2022 and to provide members with an overview of the engagement carried out with residents since the adoption of the Resident Engagement Strategy.
Additional documents:
The Chair invited the Interim Resident Engagement Officer to present the report to members, which provided an update to the Resident Engagement Strategy approved during 2022. It was reported that all the Year 1 priorities and achievements were on target for completion in the first year. Work had also commenced on the Year 2 priorities. Since the publication of this report, the first community grants application had been assessed and the Christmas tree decorating competition was about to launch.
The recommendations were proposed by Councillor Yeates and seconded by Councillor McDougall.
The Chair invited questions and comments from members. Referring to paragraph 4.12 of the report, Aim 3 – Engage digitally, assurance was sought that all groups of people were being reached, such as those who may not have the necessary IT skills or be fluent in English. The Interim Resident Engagement Officer responded that some digital skills classes had taken place for those who wanted to improve their technical skills. The Getting Involved survey had asked residents what their preferred method of communication was and it was confirmed that the paper method would still be used for those who had expressed that as their preference. With regards to community clean-ups, she confirmed that a date for a clean-up in the Hastings Close area of the Pevensey Ward was planned to take place during the second week of December 2023 subject to confirmation of the availability of all parties due to take part.
A suggestion was made that at Page 98, Changes within the Neighbourhood Housing Team, the colour yellow indicating the location of one of the Neighbourhood Officer’s on the map should be replaced with a colour more visible to see.
The Committee:
1. To note the contents of the report note; and
2. To note the progress against the aims of the strategy.