215 Counter-Fraud Report 2021/22 PDF 130 KB
The Audit & Governance Committee is the designated body for oversight of the Council’s anti-fraud culture.
As part of its agreed workplan, an annual report on counter-fraud activity is presented to update the Committee.
[10 Minutes]
Additional documents:
Upon the invitation of the Chair, the Internal Audit Manager presented the report to the Committee. He explained this was an advisory report, as per CIPFA best practice. This followed on from a more detailed report on Housing Tenancy Fraud activity presented to the Committee at its last meeting. The report outlined the main areas of fraud work undertaken within the council. There was still a considerable amount of work being done on counter-fraud activity relating to Covid-19 business grants. There was now also ongoing work on fraud checking in terms of the Council Tax Energy Rebate payments being made.
The Chair invited questions from Members. It was noted by one Member that on page 203 under the Housing Tenancy Section, the estimated savings were £380,000, however it was felt this was a conservative estimate. It was hoped the Officer would be kept in post to continue that work.
The Committee agreed they had received the Counter-Fraud Report 2021/22.